AMARILLO, TX -- 10/21/2004 -- SAGE, Inc. and PlantData Technologies, Inc. have entered into a partnership utilizing their resources to build a Secure Industrial Automation Firewall, SCADASentry (
"The security of the utility and energy industry, including information systems and industrial supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, became a national issue on 11 September 2001," said Jonathan Pollet, President of PlantData. "This product is the first of its kind and was well received at the recent 2004 ISA Expo, showing system administrators and plant operators how SCADASentry could prevent attacks."
SCADASentry performs a unique job for the industrial automation market. It is a firewall that sits directly in front of the programmed logic controller (PLC) offering protection from malformed packets, DoS prevention via throttling, and IP and MAC filtering.
"When SAGE made the decision to enter the Industrial Automation market, we were thrilled to find a partner with the credibility and experience of PlantData," said Louis Jurgens, Executive VP at SAGE. "SAGE's security expertise combined with PlantData's knowledge of the SCADA market enabled us to bring this first product to market very quickly," said Jurgens.